DECEMBER 19, 2022


Meeting Date: 12/19/2022 

Location: Quincy Point Cong. Church, 444 Washington St., Quincy


Officers Attending:

○      Alt Chair: Doug H.

○      Secretary: Jimmy P.

○      Alt. Secretary:  Jeff B.

○      DCM: Chris G.

○      Treasurer: Paul T.

○      Alt. Treasurer: Paul S.

○      20 Total Attendees 

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm & opened with a Moment of Silence followed by the  Declaration of Unity, Statement of Acceptance, and the Mission Statement were read. After  Anniversary the GSR Role, Traditions and Concepts were read.  Meeting was hybrid. 


Attendees (In Person)

Jimmy P

Miracles On Sat.

Paul S


Paul T

Everybody’s Group

Doug H

Steppin Out

Chris G

Fresh Start


Int. AA?


Quincy Mens’ Wed.

Sarah QMN

Mark H.


Omar QYP








Attendees (Zoom)

Steve P


Jamie H

Q. Rec.

Matt J

Rule 62

Dianne T

Wey. Sat. AM

Deb R

SS Group

Mandy M

Fort Sq.

Rick A



Farm Grp.










Anniversaries since last meeting:  

Chris G. Dec. 15= 6 years

GSR Reports What’s going on with your groups? 


Monthly Reports - presented, Motions to accept, and voted 

Secretary Report - Jim P - report given, motioned and seconded, accepted 7:15

●      Reporting that elections were held, results contained in prior months Secretary Notes

●      Alt Chair, DCM (x3) remain OPEN

●      Additional shuffling for Alcathon slots, published to District website

●      All slots filled

●      Paul S, Paul T leads for Xmas/NY sessions, respectively


DCM Report - Chris G - report given, motioned and seconded, accepted 7:17

●      NERAASA (New England + Northeast US) February 25-26, Albany NY

●      Flyer and pre-registration information available

●      Stipends (lodging, fuel) may be available, contact Chris G


Treasurer - Paul T - report given, motioned and seconded, accepted 7:19

●      Beginning balance: 3118.35

●      Collections: 175.86

●      Rent: 30

●      PO box rental (annual): 202

●      362.21

●      Alcathon allocation: 1500 (hall, supplies)

●      Prudent Reserve: 500

●      Ending balance: 1062.21

Committee Reports

▪ Grapevine- (4th Sun 7pm ) 

Sarah (QMN) 


Cooperation w Professional Community (CPC) - (2nd Thursday 7 pm) 

Kim (Milton Farm) 

●      Continue to do outreach, trainings

●      Northeastern Univ and others


Archives - ( 3rd Tues 7:30pm- OPEN

Accessibilities - (3rd Wed 6:30 pm) - OPEN

Chair - OPEN

Corrections - (4th Thu 7 pm) - OPEN

DCM & 2 Alt DCMs - - Chris and OPEN

Joint Treatment Facilities - (3rd Fri 7 pm) - OPEN

Literature - (1st Mon 7 pm) - OPEN

Public Information (1st Thu 7 pm) - OPEN

▪ Registrar - OPEN Keeping an ongoing list of who is there…

▪ Web Site - (1st Wed 7:00pm ) - OPEN


Community Outreach


OLD Business  

Open Positions

●      2023-2024

○      DCM (3)

○      Alt Chair

○      Committees Positions Volunteer(s)

●      Volunteer List - update

●      Open slots: 12/25 @ 5pm, 12/31 @ 6pm - Chairs, speakers needed?

○      Dianne T to Chair Xmas slot

○      Doug to Chair NY slot

○      Group will provide cleaning supplies for both events

●      Slot Chair + 2 speakers required for hour prior to scheduled slot (confirmed for audience)



Monthly Reminders - Updates

1.    Group Conscience Meetings facilitator - Katherine Service Seminar Chair

2.    Road Show's  Get in Touch With Chris G.


Tabled Business

1.    Goals for 2022/23

■      AREA Assembly §  Commitment

■      Building Group Participation in Area Activities

■      Brainstorming - Carrying the Message


NEW Business:

●      GSR Packets (available on district website for download)

●      Continue with hybrid meetings in 2023

○      AV equipment procurement ($272.25 +tax)

■      Projector

■      Microphone

■      USB ext. cable

■      Tripod

■      Camera

■      HDMI cable - 20ft

■      Zoom Annual Fee ($144)

●      Expires EOM December

○      Web fees: ~ $25.50/mo

○      Zoom: Motioned, seconded, accepted 7:48

○      Purchase AV equipment: motioned, seconded, dissented (Paul S), none swayed, accepted 7:50


What’s on your mind:


●      Paul S - thanking Doug for the Alt. Chair service over the past months!

●      Chris G - help grow the district; talk about the district in your meetings; outreach/emphasis; talk to group secretaries; group donations to district

●      Kim - Television commercial on ABC? Being investigated by AA as non-sponsored activity

●      Doug - facilitate purchasing Big Books for home group


***Random Notes***


Committee positions reminder - spread the word

●      Doug considering registrar position

●      Non-elected positions


Deb R to give Chris G hall code for Xmas Alcathon


Q: Is Quincy PD aware of Alcathon?

   A: Historically, no. Chris G will contact QPD in week leading up to events (non-motioned)

Q: How is donations box managed?

   A: Kept in kitchen


Central Service Phone volunteer (Xmas): 1 year sobriety needed, time volunteered in-person at Central Services Boston


Special Event: Jan 7 Serenity Breakfast at Bay Point, $20 (in Bulletin)

No additional Bulletin adds


Motion to adjourn, seconded, accepted



***  Meeting ended at 8:11 ***


NOVEMBER 21, 2022


Meeting Date: 11/21/2022 

Location: Quincy Point Cong. Church, 444 Washington St., Quincy


Officers Attending:

○      Alt Chair: Doug H.

○      Secretary (acting): Jimmy P.

○      DCM: Chris G.

○      Treasurer: Paul T.

○      Alt. Treasurer: Paul S.

○      19 Total Attendees 

The meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm & opened with a Moment of Silence followed by the  Declaration of Unity, Statement of Acceptance, and the Mission Statement were read. After  Anniversary the GSR Role, Traditions and Concepts were read.  Meeting was hybrid. 



Name                                                                                      Group Position

Doug H.                                                                                   Stepping Out   Alt. Chair

Chris G                                                                                    Fresh Start      DCR Dist. 8

Jimmy P.                                                                                 Miracles on Saturday  GSR, Acting Secretary

Jeff                                                                                          Monday BB     GSR

Erica                                                                                        Upon Awakening        GSR

Mandy                                                                                     Fresh Start      GSR

Paul T                                                                                     Everybody’s Group     Treasurer

Paul S.                                                                                    Quincy Young People GSR

Steve                                                                                       Interested AA


Name                                                                                      Group Position

Mark                                                                                        WTT    Alt. GSR

Jay                                                                                          E.Milton           GSR

Steve                                                                                       Snug   GSR

Kim B.                                                                                     Milton Farm Group     GSR

Katrina                                                                                    Milton Highlanders      GSR

Deirdre                                                                                    Sunday Serenity         GSR

Deb R.                                                                                     South Shore Group    GSR

Matt                                                                                         Rule 62           GSR

Jamie                                                                                      Quincy Recovery        GSR

Sarah                                                                                      QMN   GSR


Anniversaries since last meeting:  


GSR Reports 

What’s going on with your groups? 

-       SS Group Group change Dec. 2 will be one hour 8-9 pm. No break. 

Beginners’ same. Signs will be posted.

-       E. Milton Group will hold a Group Conscience Mtg Thurs. 12/1 (Zoom 7-9 pm)

Monthly Reports - presented, Motions to accept, and voted 

Secretary Report - Jim P.: Reviewed and submitted 

            Alcathon Slot Draw went well

Spots still open (working on it)

Elections for open district positions/nominations (Elections to be held in Nov.)


DCM Report -Chris G Reviewed and submitted

            Assembly held on Nov. 6 went well.  District 8 well represented

            Assembly elections were held, some local names took offices

            NERAASA (North East Regional AA Service Assembly) Feb. 23-26 in Albany, NY

            State Convention held earlier this month in Sturbridge, MA


Treasurer – Paul S. Reviewed and accepted.  (See Treasurer’s Report online)

                        Beginning Balance = $2653

                        End Balance =            $3118

                        * Reminder:  $1500 allocated for Alkathon costs

Committee Reports

▪ Grapevine- (4th Sun 7pm ) 

Sarah (QMN) 

-Sarah stepping down as she is unable to attend mtgs.  

-That leaves this service slot OPEN as well.  

-She did report that there may be some Grapevine magazines available to 

give away during alcathons

Cooperation w Professional Community (CPC) - (2nd Thursday 7 pm) 

Kim (Milton Farm) 

District present at the most recent NE Recovery Specialists Convention.  

It went well.

Dec. 5 is Nurse Practitioner’s & Mental Health Professionals Gathering

            We will make sure AA is represented

Archives - ( 3rd Tues 7:30pm- OPEN

Accessibilities - (3rd Wed 6:30 pm) - OPEN

Chair - OPEN

Corrections - (4th Thu 7 pm) - OPEN

DCM & 2 Alt DCMs - - Chris and OPEN

Joint Treatment Facilities - (3rd Fri 7 pm) - OPEN

Literature - (1st Mon 7 pm) - OPEN

Public Information (1st Thu 7 pm) - OPEN

▪ Registrar - OPEN Keeping an ongoing list of who is there…

▪ Web Site - (1st Wed 7:00pm ) - OPEN

Community Outreach

Business Cards with code for meeting listings are still available.

            Jay brought literature to the Police Station and refilled that rack.  Thanks Jay!


OLD Business  

1.     Nominations/Elections (nominated and voted in, 2 yr. terms)

DCM (x3)        3 Open

Alt. DCM         Jay (East Milton)

Secretary        Jimmy P. (Miracles on Saturday)

Alt. Secretary  Jeff

Treasurer        Paul T.

Alt. Treasurer  Paul S.

Chair               Chris G.

Alt. Chair         Open


2.     Alcathon Xmas and New Years

-       There was some shuffling to fill open time slots for both Alcathons.

-       Some groups will flex so that all slots will be filled. (See updated schedules)

-       The District will chair the Closing XMas slot and the Opening NYE slot.

-       Paul S. will be the liaison for XMas, Paul T. will be the liaison for NYE.

-       There was discussion as to whether we could use the SS Group’s audio system.

-       Supplies (in District closet or to be bought) will be brought up next mtg. (12/19)

-       Deb requested the clean up slot for the XMas Alcathon.



Monthly Reminders - Updates

1.    Group Conscience Meetings facilitator - Katherine Service Seminar Chair

2.    Road Show's  Get in Touch With Chris G.


Tabled Business

1.    Goals for 2022/23

■      AREA Assembly §  Commitment

■      Building Group Participation in Area Activities

■      Brainstorming - Carrying the Message


NEW Business:


AA GROUPS AND INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS ARE DESPERATELY NEEDED TO BRING MEETINGS INTO JAILS IN Essex and Suffolk counties. If you are interested in doing corrections service in jails or prisons, come to the Joint Correctional Facilities Committee meetings on the 4th Thursday each month at 7 pm on Zoom to learn how to get involved Zoom ID 842 8172 0059 and Passcode 446053 or join the email list by emailing the JCFC Chairperson at


What’s on your mind:



There will be an AA speaker meeting with breakfast held at the Bay Pointe Waterfront Restaurant in Quincy on Sat. Jan. 7, 2023 The meeting will be from 9-10 am and is sponsored by the 

Cohasset Lifeboat Group. Cost is $20 per person.  The cost includes a full hot buffet style breakfast, coffee, and an AA Speaker Meeting.  There is plenty of free parking, and the hall is handicapped accessible.  Questions?  



***  Meeting ended at 8:05 ***

Meeting Date: 10/17/2022 

○       Alt Chair: Doug  

○      Secretary (acting): Jimmy (absent)

○      DCM: Chris 

○      Treasurer: Paul T.

○      Alt. Treasurer: Paul S.

○      29 total Attendees 

The meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm & opened with a Moment of Silence followed by the  Declaration of Unity, Statement of Acceptance, and the Mission Statement were read. After  Anniversary the GSR Role, Traditions and Concepts were read. 

This meeting was hybrid. 

Introductions 29 in attendance 10 on Zoom, 19 Live

Alex - Never Alone Again, Catrina  - Milton Highlanders, Cheryl - , Chris G - DCR Dist. 8, Christine - , Courtney - Hull End of the Line, Courtney - Weymouth Sat. AM, Deb R.  - SS Group, Dianne T. - Weymouth Sat. AM, Doug H.  - Stepping Out, Erica - On Awakening, Jamie - QR, Jay - E.Milton, Jeff - Monday BB , Joe - 373, Kim B. - Milton Farm Group, Mandy - Ft. Sq , Mark - WTT, Matt - Rule 62, Maureen H.  - Women’s Acceptance, Paul S. - Quincy Young People, Paul T - Dist. 8 Treasurer, Paul? - , Rick A.  - Everybody’s Group, Sarah - QMN, Sarah H. - QMN, Steve - Wey. New Journeys, Steve P  - Snuggy, Sue 

Anniversaries since last meeting:  

(Could Not Hear on Video.)


GSR Reports 

What’s going on with your groups? 

Deb     SS Group change Dec. 2 will be one hour 8-9 pm. No break. 

Beginners’ same. Signs will be posted.

Monthly Reports - presented and Motions to accept and voted 

Secretary Report - Doug read report for Jim: Reviewed and submitted 

DCM Report -Chris G Reviewed and submitted  (good resource)

MA State convention 11/11-11/13 Sturbridge Hotel

Assembly Elections at BC High 11/06/22 will be hybrid.

Update Nov 1, 2022 – this will be Zoom only!

 Looking for Tech volunteers

New GSR Orientation at 9:15 am

97 proposed agenda items on tap

Literature changes (graphic novel, plain English, etc.)

Other proposals

96 areas in U.S. and Canada (we are Area 30)

Changes in literature 

All these changes come from the members (you)

Worth explaining to your groups.  They may be interested in these proposals.

Upside Down Triangle was explained by Chris.


Treasurer – Paul S. Reviewed and accepted.  (See Treasurer’s Report online)

                        $1500 allocated for Alkathon costs (so moved and accepted)

Committee Reports

Archives - ( 3rd Tues 7:30pm- OPEN

Accessibilities - (3rd Wed 6:30 pm) - OPEN

Chair - OPEN

Cooperation w Professional Community (CPC) - (2nd Thursday 7 pm) - Kim

(Milton Farm) 

-attended meeting. Harvard Medical School hosted speakers to explain 

AA to  incoming med and dental students) Wed, 10/5-morning event 

(2 sets of classes) specific criteria of what to share and what not to 


-Courtroom Staff Convention, AA presence at convention in Danvers

Corrections - (4th Thu 7 pm) - OPEN

DCM & 2 Alt DCMs - - Chris and OPEN

Joint Treatment Facilities - (3rd Fri 7 pm) - OPEN

Literature - (1st Mon 7 pm) - OPEN

Public Information (1st Thu 7 pm) - OPEN

▪ Registrar - OPEN Keeping an ongoing list of who is there…

▪ Web Site - (1st Wed 7:00pm ) - OPEN

Grapevine- (4th Sun 7pm ) Sarah , Committee is putting together seed packets, they are also in need of more participants.  They are offering pizza at the meeting!


Community Outreach

Business Cards with code for meeting listings are available.

            Doug encouraged everyone to take some and hand them out at their meetings.

OLD Business  

1.     Nominations

Positions for Election (DCM x3/Alt. Secretary/Alt., Treasurer/Alt., Chair/Alt.)

Doug explained the roles of each position

Motion?  (Couldn’t hear)

Nominations:  Jimmy Sec., Jeff Alt. Sec, Paul T Treas., Paul S. Alt/Treasurer, Chris Chair, Jay Alt. DCM, 

Elections November 21, 2022

2.     Alcathon Xmas and New Years

Mandy volunteered to do the Flyer, when all group slots are filled. 

Visit our Alcathon 22-23 Page for more info



Monthly Reminders - Updates

Beginners will be same as always.

Tabled Business

1.    Goals for 2022/23

■      AREA Assembly §  Commitment

■      Building Group Participation in Area Activities

■      Brainstorming - Carrying the Message


NEW Business:

1.     Elections Nov 21


In September, (from manual), the listings of jobs and descriptions will be posted:

Jimmy P will serve as Acting Secretary for the next 3 months.

2.     District Support of Events


AA GROUPS AND INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS ARE DESPERATELY NEEDED TO BRING MEETINGS INTO JAILS IN Essex and Suffolk counties. If you are interested in doing corrections service in jails or prisons, come to the Joint Correctional Facilities Committee meetings on the 4th Thursday each month at 7 pm on Zoom to learn how to get involved Zoom ID 842 8172 0059 and Passcode 446053 or join the email list by emailing the JCFC Chairperson at

What’s on your mind:


***  Meeting ended at 8:35 ***

Meeting Date: 9/19/2022 

The meeting was called to order at 7:08 pm & opened with a Moment of Silence followed by the  Declaration of Unity, Statement of Acceptance, and the Mission Statement were read. After  Anniversary the GSR Role, Traditions and Concepts were read. 

This meeting was hybrid. 


Doug- Alt. Chair,  GSR Stepping Out, Jimmy P.-Secretary (acting), GSR-Miracles on Saturday, Paul S..- Alt. Treasurer, Chris G-DCM, 

Deb R-  GSR SSG, Paul S. GSR QYPBB, ALt Treasurer, Kim-GSR Milton Farm, Mandy M-Alt. Fresh Start, Fort Square GSR, Mark- GSR Walk the Talk, Jeff B-GSR Mon BB, Steve P. GSR Snug Harbor, Paul T-Everybody’s Group, Treasurer; Sarah H- QMN GSR, Grapevine Committee, Dianne T- GSR Weymouth Saturday AM, Karensa GSR On Awakening, Jamie H. - GSR Quincy Recovery; Mike - GSR, Quincy Mens; 

Anniversaries since last meeting:  


GSR Reports 

What’s going on with your groups? 

-QMN  10/3 Anniversary 7pm at Ft. Sq

-Milton Farm Group Anniversary Picnic, 12-5 pm., Sunday 9/25

Monthly Reports - presented and Motions to accept and voted 

Secretary Report - Jim: Reviewed and submitted 

DCM Report -Chris G Reviewed and submitted (good resource)

MA State convention 11/11-11/13 Sturbridge Hotel

Assembly Elections at BC High 11/06/22 will be hybrid. Looking for Tech volunteers

Changes in literature 

(12&12) change made has been changed back

(BB) potential graphic novel version, potential translation to lower reading level

(Pamphlets) potential LGBTQ pamphlet in Spanish, and Trans. pamphlet

Treasurer – Paul S. Reviewed and accepted.  (See Treasurer’s Report online)

Fall Fellowship BBQ came in under the allocated budget.

Registrar – ?

Committee Reports

Archives - ( 3rd Tues 7:30pm- OPEN

Accessibilities - (3rd Wed 6:30 pm) - OPEN

Chair - OPEN

Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) - (2nd Thursday 7 pm) - Kim (Milton Farm) attended meeting. Harvard Medical School will host speakers to explain AA to  incoming med and dental students) Wed, 10/5-morning event (2 sets of classes) specific criteria of what to share and what not to share.

Corrections - (4th Thu 7 pm) - OPEN

DCM & 2 Alt DCMs - - Chris and OPEN

Joint Treatment Facilities - (3rd Fri 7 pm) - OPEN

Literature - (1st Mon 7 pm) - OPEN

Public Information (1st Thu 7 pm) - OPEN

▪ Registrar - OPEN Keeping an ongoing list of who is there…

▪ Web Site - (1st Wed 7:00pm ) - OPEN

▪ Grapevine- (4th Sun 1pm ) Sarah did not attend, but reported that the time is changed to 7 pm.

* General-  Chris spoke about literature changes; Doug mentioned business cards w/App info

Community Outreach

Nothing new to report from anyone involved.

OLD Business  

Monthly Reminders - Updates

Tabled Business

1.    Goals for 2022/23

■      AREA Assembly §  Commitment

■      Building Group Participation in Area Activities

■      Brainstorming - Carrying the Message

NEW Business:

In September, (from manual), the listings of jobs and descriptions will be posted:

Jimmy P will serve as Acting Secretary for the next 3 months.


AA GROUPS AND INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS ARE DESPERATELY NEEDED TO BRING MEETINGS INTO JAILS IN Essex and Suffolk counties. If you are interested in doing corrections service in jails or prisons, come to the Joint Correctional Facilities Committee meetings on the 4th Thursday each month at 7 pm on Zoom to learn how to get involved Zoom ID 842 8172 0059 and Passcode 446053 or join the email list by emailing the JCFC Chairperson at

What’s on your mind:

***  Meeting ended at 8:35 ***

Meeting Date: 8/15/2022 


○      17 total Attendees 

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm & opened with a Moment of Silence followed by the  Declaration of Unity, Statement of Acceptance, and the Mission Statement were read. After  Anniversary the GSR Role, Traditions and Concepts were read. 

This meeting was hybrid. 


Doug- Alt. Chair,  GSR Stepping Out, Robyn-Secretary, GSR-FS, Paul T.- Treasurer, Chris G-DCM, 

Deb R-  GSR SSG, Paul S. GSR QYPBB, ALt Treasurer, Kim-GSR Milton Farm, Mandy M-Alt. Fresh Start, Fort Square GSR, Mark- GSR Walk the Talk, Jeff B-GSR Mon BB, Steve P. GSR Snug Harbor, Jimmy P. GSR Miracles on Saturday, Paul T-Everybody’s Group, Treasurer Matt Ryan, IAA, Sarah H- QMN GSR, Grapevine Committee, Dianne T- GSR Weymouth Saturday AM, Matt J. GSR Rule 62

Anniversaries since last meeting:  

Paul S. 7/20- 2 years

Kim 8/5- 22 years

GSR Reports 

What’s going on with your groups? 

QMN  10/3 Anniversary 7pm at Ft. Sq

Monthly Reports - presented and Motions to accept and voted 

Secretary Report - Robyn: Reviewed and submitted 

DCM Report -Chris G Reviewed and submitted (good resource)

Meeting List Books for Live meeting will be available by end of July price increase to $1.00

Next Assembly Meeting 09/11/22 will be live Eastham, MA (will be hybrid) 10-4, orientation @ 9

MA State convention 11/11-11/13 Sturbridge Hotel

Assembly Elections at BC High 11/06/22 will be hybrid. Looking for Tech volunteers

Area meetings have gone back to being hybrid. Low attendance at live meeting due to covid and gas costs

Changes in literature (12&12) have been made for newest publication 2022

Road Shows are available for groups to learn about service


Treasurer – Paul T. Posted on AA District 30 Site,  Reviewed and accepted.

Adjusted Allocated Funds for Fall Fellowship Balance - $816 – Available Funds $1664


Registrar – looking forward to passing this on, more info soon

Committee Reports

Archives - ( 3rd Tues 7:30pm- OPEN

Accessibilities - (3rd Wed 6:30 pm) - OPEN

Chair - OPEN

Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) - (2nd Thursday 7 pm) - Kim (Milton Farm) attended meeting. Harvard Medical School (in-person training for 26 speakers [likely more than committee] to speak to incoming med and dental students) Wed, 10/5-morning event (2 sets of classes) specific criteria of what to share and what not to share

Corrections - (4th Thu 7 pm) - OPEN

DCM & 2 Alt DCMs - - Chris and OPEN

Joint Treatment Facilities - (3rd Fri 7 pm) - OPEN

Literature - (1st Mon 7 pm) - OPEN

Public Information (1st Thu 7 pm) - OPEN

▪ Registrar - OPEN Keeping an ongoing list of who is there…

▪ Web Site - (1st Wed 7:00pm ) - OPEN

▪ Grapevine- (4th Sun 1pm ) – Sarah did not attend

Community Outreach

Milton - Jay | Quincy - Chris G. | Weymouth - Ashley | Braintree, Randolph—Kim

Literature is in the hall and Chris has the key.

OLD Business  

1.     Webb State Park - Chris G Sept 17 2022

a.     Checklist Update

                                           i.         Fill the open task/Volunteers: See below

                                         ii.         Any Loose ends

b.     Planning Group Chris G,  Deb R, Kim B  Needs

c.     Contingency Plan for Rain/Cancellation/etc: Website Post

2.     Alcathon Xmas and New Years - Halls



(To add onto above: Steve P. grill-Chris will coordinate, Paul S. and Jeff B. have cornhole boards and will bring them and other yard games, Jimmy P. will bring yard games, Chris will bring tennis ball, Paul T has extra large trash bags) Set-up at 11am

Monthly Reminders - Updates

1.    Group Conscience Meetings facilitator - Katherine Service Seminar Chair

2.    Road Shows  Get in Touch with Chris G.

Tabled Business

1.    Goals for 2022/23

■      AREA Assembly §  Commitment

■      Building Group Participation in Area Activities

■      Brainstorming - Carrying the Message


NEW Business:

In September, (from manual), the listings of jobs and descriptions will be posted:

Robyn is stepping down as secretary. Jimmy will step up for the next 3 months.


AA GROUPS AND INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS ARE DESPERATELY NEEDED TO BRING MEETINGS INTO JAILS IN Essex and Suffolk counties. If you are interested in doing corrections service in jails or prisons, come to the Joint Correctional Facilities Committee meetings on the 4th Thursday each month at 7 pm on Zoom to learn how to get involved Zoom ID 842 8172 0059 and Passcode 446053 or join the email list by emailing the JCFC Chairperson at

What’s on your mind:

Milton Farm Group sponsored Sober Cruise and it was a success.


Meeting ended at 8:02


From Area 30 Bulletin Items in our District  

July  Bulletin  2022

Central Service Committee, 12 Channel St., Suite 604, Boston MA 02210

Office: 617-426-9444 Book Orders Only: 617-426-4807 Area 30 Web Site: and  Area 30 Contact Information

COMMITTEE MEETINGS: Check for updates >>




June 17 Milton Rule 62-St. Pius Ch., 101 Wolcott Rd., 7:00 pm. One Year Anniversary!



Sept 4   MVB NECYPAA Summer Sunset @ Salisbury State Beach, Reservation Rd. 12:30-9pm

Sept 10 Plymouth Eel River -St. Peter’s Parish Ctr., 10 Memorial Dr., 9-10 am; Breakfast after mtg.

Sept 17 District 8 Fall Fellowship Cookout Webb Park, 371 River St., No. Weymouth Noon-5 pm

Oct 1     Districts 15/16/22 “Voices of AA Come Together” workshop. Church, 11 Garden St. 1-5 pm

CLICK HERE FOR BULLETINS             Deadline for May Bulletin: AUGUST  17, 2022

Meeting Date: 7/18/2022 

○      Alt Chair: Doug  

○      Secretary: Paul T temporary

○      DCM: Chris 

○      14 total Attendees 

The meeting was called to order at 7:12 pm & opened with a Moment of Silence followed by the  Declaration of Unity, Statement of Acceptance, and the Mission Statement were read. After  Anniversary the GSR Role, Traditions and Concepts were read. 

This meeting was hybrid. 


Doug- Alt. Chair,  GSR Stepping Out,, GSR FS, Chris G-DCM, Deb R-GSR SSG, Paul T.- Treasurer, Kim-GSR Milton Farm, Mandy M-Alt. Fresh Start, Fort Square,  Steve P-GSR Snug  Harbor,  Jay- GSR East Milton Group, Jeff B-GSR Mon BB, Steve M- IAA, Jimmy P. GSR Saturday Miracles, Steve M, IAA, Sarah H- QMN GSR, Grapevine Committee, Catrina GSR Highlanders

Anniversaries since last meeting:  NONE

GSR Reports  Nothing to report 

What’s going on with your groups? 

Welcome New GSR - Saturday Miracles elected GSR Jimmy P.


Monthly Reports - presented and Motions to accept and voted 

Secretary Report – Robyn presented by Doug: Reviewed and submitted 

DCM Report -Chris G

Presented notes from the meeting

Meeting List Books for Live meeting will be available by end of July price increase to $1.00

Next Assembly Meeting 09/11/22 will be live Eastham, MA

Assembly Elections at BC High 11/06/22 will be hybrid. Looking for Tech volunteers

Area meeting have gone back to being hybrid. Low attendance at live meeting due to covid and gas costs


Treasurer – Paul T. Posted on AA District 30 Site,  Reviewed and accepted.

Allocated Funds for Fall Fellowship Balance - $930 – Available Funds $1436


Registrar – looking forward to passing this on, more info soon

Committee Reports 

Archives - ( 3rd Tues 7:30pm- OPEN

Accessibilities - (3rd Wed 6:30 pm) - OPEN

Chair - OPEN

Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) - (2nd Thursday 7 pm) - Kim (Milton Farm) attended meeting. BU, Harvard and Tufts Nursing School will rebook for the coming year.

Corrections - (4th Thu 7 pm) - OPEN

DCM & 2 Alt DCMs - - Chris and OPEN

Joint Treatment Facilities - (3rd Fri 7 pm) - OPEN 

 Literature - (1st Mon 7 pm) - OPEN

Public Information (1st Thu 7 pm) - OPEN

▪ Registrar - OPEN Keeping an ongoing list of who is there… 

▪ Web Site - (1st Wed 7:00pm ) - OPEN

▪ Grapevine- (4th Sun 1pm ) – Sarah did not attend

Community Outreach 

Milton - Jay | Quincy - Chris G. | Weymouth - Ashley | Braintree, Randolph—Kim

Literature is at the hall and Chris has the key. 


OLD Business  Webb State Park - Chris G 9/17/22 12:00-5:00

■      Planning Group: Chris G,  Deb R, Kim B  and...

■      Chris presented

■      Chris Cook out check list presented, several volunteers, still need some volunteers, email to be sent out

■      Deb R-presented the flyer which she had some assistance from Ashley H. – This to be posted and sent out in an email. 

■      Budget $1,000

■      Tracking on Treasurer’s report of which $930 remains

2.    Alcathon Xmas and New Years - Halls - Deb R. SSG

Deb R reported the United Methodist Church on Beal Street Quincy (same as last year) has agreed to let us use the Hall.

Monthly Reminders - Updates

1.    Group Conscience Meetings facilitator - Katherine Service Seminar Chair

2.    Road Shows  Get in Touch with Chris G.


Tabled Business

1.    Goals for 2022/23

■      AREA Assembly §  Commitment

■      Building Group Participation in Area Activities

■      Brainstorming - Carrying the Message


NEW Business: 

District Support of Events


AA GROUPS AND INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS ARE DESPERATELY NEEDED TO BRING MEETINGS INTO JAILS IN Essex and Suffolk counties. If you are interested in doing corrections service in jails or prisons, come to the Joint Correctional Facilities Committee meetings on the 4th Thursday each month at 7 pm on Zoom to learn how to get involved Zoom ID 842 8172 0059 and Passcode 446053 or join the email list by emailing the JCFC Chairperson at

What’s on your mind:


Meeting ended at 8:30 and the Hybrid meeting was a success

Meeting Date: June 20, 2022 

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm & opened with a Moment of Silence followed by the  Declaration of Unity, Statement of Acceptance, and the Mission Statement were read. After  Anniversary the GSR Role, Traditions and Concepts were read. 

This meeting was online only. 


Doug- Alt. Chair,  GSR Stepping Out, Robyn- District 8 Sec, GSR FS, Chris G-DCM, Deb R-  GSR SSG, Paul T.- Treasurer, Paul S. GSR QYP, ALt Treasurer, Kim-GSR Milton Farm, Mandy M-Alt. Fresh Start, Fort Square, Mark- GSR Walk the Talk, Steve P-GSR Snug  Harbor,  Jay- GSR East Milton Group, Jeff B-GSR Mon BB, Kerensa- GSR On Awakening, Steve P. GSR Snug Harbor, Steve M- IAA, Jamie Hogan, GSR Quincy Recovery, Paul S-Quincy Young People, Matt Ryan, IAA, Sarah H- QMN GSR, Grapevine Committee

Anniversaries since last meeting:  


GSR Reports 

What’s going on with your groups? 

Paul T: no GSR for Everybody’s Group; no longer hybrid; now live only (has been changed with Central Service but not with District 8 website

Paul S: QYP BB- Group Conscience-interested in service roadshow and having business moderator come to group (Chris will follow up)

Kim: Milton Farm: Liz Bailey died Memorial Day weekend and she was the last connection that was had to Bill W.

Steve: Snug Harbor time change Sunday 8:00-9:00pm to 7:30-8:30 effective 6/1/22

Entertainment for 5/21 where the Milton Farm group meets (158 Milton Pkwy meeting at 6 dinner at 7 with DJ—FREE (flier will be posted on website)

Doug-St. C’s both in person and on Zoom Tuesdays, Wednesdays live only, and Friday both live and on Zoom

Pearse: Request support for AA meetings at New Way Peer Recovery Ctr., 85 Quincy Ave, Quincy In person 

Tues 7:00pm Living Sober, Wed 12:00pm It’s in the Book, Wed 6:00pm Men’s discussion  Wed 7:00 pm A New Way Fri 7:00 pm Big Book 

Monthly Reports - presented and Motions to accept and voted Secretary Report - Robyn: Reviewed and submitted 

DCM Report -returning in person this month *this coming Wed

Jerry stepped down from service

52.000 operating balance, so more will likely be allocated to Area meetings, etc

Treasurer – Thank you to Paul for the incredible amount of work he has done! Paul reported.  From April-June: balance  with debits (rent) and contributions: 2170.11 (prudent reserve of $500) Reviewed and accepted.

Registrar – In progress review updating position 

Committee Reports 

Archives - ( 3rd Tues 7:30pm- OPEN

Accessibilities - (3rd Wed 6:30 pm) - OPEN

Chair - OPEN

Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) - (2nd Thursday 7 pm) - Kim (Milton Farm) did not attend last meeting

Corrections - (4th Thu 7 pm) - OPEN

DCM & 2 Alt DCMs - - Chris and OPEN

Joint Treatment Facilities - (3rd Fri 7 pm) - OPEN (Annie G. will check it out-Thanks Annie!) Annie not present; Ray is sharing to see if groups were willing to be a liaison as to be a part of bringing messages into facilities ( is my email. Ray Marsh or email Mike at

Literature - (1st Mon 7 pm) - OPEN

Public Information (1st Thu 7 pm) - OPEN

▪ Registrar - OPEN Keeping an ongoing list of who is there…Area contact is a mess, Robyn for District 8)

▪ Web Site - (1st Wed 7:00pm ) - OPEN

▪ Grapevine- (4th Sun 1pm ) - Sarah: nothing to report; did not luck out and doesn’t love it

Virtual seed packet and offers for Grapevine with Lifeline Flier; if you want to receive a seed packet from the grapevine, you can send an email with your info to

Community Outreach 

Milton - Jay | Quincy - Chris G. | Weymouth - Ashley | Braintree, Randolph—Kim

Literature is at the hall and Chris has the key. 

OLD Business

NEW Business:

Monthly Reminders - Updates

Tabled Discussion Items:

-Educational needs

-Traditions and concept meetings

-delegate, grapevine, other committees

What’s on your mind:

Meeting ended at 8:28 pm.

Meeting Date: May 16, 2022 

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm & opened with a Moment of Silence,  followed by the Declaration of Unity, Statement of Acceptance, and the Mission Statement were read. After  introductions,  acknowledgement of our fellow, Dan Ducheneau, with a Moment of Silence and Prayer. This was followed by the GSR Role, Traditions and Concepts were read. 

This meeting was online only. 


Doug- Alt. Chair, Robyn-alt Sec, Chris G-DCM, Les, interested AA-SSG, Paul T., Kim-Milton Farm, Mandy M-Alt. Fresh Start/GSR Fort Square, Jamie-GSR Quincy Recovery,, Mark-Walk the Talk, Steve P-Snug  Harbor,  Jay- East Milton Group, Jeff B. -GSR Mon BB, Pearse Quincy Men’s Group GSR, Kerensa-GSR On Awakening online online, Matt J-GSR Rule 62, Jeff B GSR Mon BB, Dist 6, Trish GSR Women’s Acceptance,  Steve M. IAA (visiting from another district), Les IAA-South Shore Group, Paul S-Quincy Young People/Alt Treasurer, Sarah H- QMN GSR, Ray, MSCYPAA

Anniversaries since last meeting:  

Trish 9 years 5/10

GSR Reports 

What’s going on with your groups? 

Monthly Reports - presented and Motions to accept and voted 

Secretary Report - Robyn: Reviewed and submitted 

DCM Report -Post-Conference Assembly 05/15/22 :

5th edition not for 2-3 more years

Looking for stories though

But more like 2024

The Massachusetts State Convention of Young People in AA (MSCYPAA) will have their 2022 conference - October 21-23 at the Plymouth Hotel 1620. Visit to register for $15 and reserve your discounted room using the code:  MSCYPAA2022

Treasurer – Doug reported, with Les.  Reviewed and accepted. May need to figure out numbers and dig in to see definitive report current balance: $1398.86

Registrar – In progress review updating position 

Committee Reports 

Archives - ( 3rd Tues 7:30pm- OPEN 

Accessibilities - (3rd Wed 6:30 pm) - OPEN 

Chair - OPEN 

Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) - (2nd Thursday 7 pm) - Kim (Milton Farm) not present

Corrections - (4th Thu 7 pm) - OPEN 

DCM & 2 Alt DCMs - - Chris and OPEN 

Joint Treatment Facilities - (3rd Fri 7 pm) - OPEN (Annie G. will check it out-Thanks Annie!) Annie not present; Ray is sharing to see if groups were willing to be a liaison as to be a part of bringing messages into facilities ( is my email. Ray Marsh or email Mike at

Literature - (1st Mon 7 pm) - OPEN 

Public Information (1st Thu 7 pm) - OPEN 

▪ Registrar - OPEN Keeping an ongoing list of who is there…Area contact is a mess, Robyn for District 8) 

▪ Web Site - (1st Wed 7:00pm ) - OPEN 

▪ Grapevine- (4th Sun 1pm ) - Sarah: 

Virtual seed packet and offers for Grapevine with Lifeline Flier; if you want to receive a seed packet from the grapevine, you can send an email with your info to

Community Outreach 

Milton - Jay | Quincy - Chris G. | Randolph - | Weymouth - Ashley  | Braintree, Randolph—Kim 

OLD Business: 

From Area 30 Bulletin Items in our District 

Rediscussed: District 8 committee is available for group roadshow commitments. GSRs please inform your  groups of our availability and desire to do outreach—is still on the table 


NEW Business:

Tabled Discussion Items:

Les looked into availability of Weymouth School system for future. Abigail Adams definitely out; going under renovations. Maybe Chapman School or the HS or Quincy High School a good alternate. Let’s TABLE THIS FOR NOW!!! 

Alcathons 22-23 What about Beale Street? Maybe dependent on mask policy, etc. Les will follow up.

If any has any research or potential halls (we need to decide by June), please come back and give feedback.

What’s on your mind?

How can we help newcomers? 

Building group participation; carrying the message…

Tradition 6…support groups

Meeting ended at 8:30 pm.

New Groups/GSRs: Send along….Names/Groups/phone numbers  (even in chat on District meeting)

Meeting Date: April 18, 2022 

Chair: Doug (stepped up fromAlt) 

Secretary (Alt): Robyn 

DCM: Chris 

15 total Attendees 

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm & opened with a Moment of Silence followed by the  Declaration of Unity, Statement of Acceptance, and the Mission Statement were read. After  Anniversary the GSR Role, Traditions and Concepts were read. 

This meeting was online only. 


Doug- Alt. Chair, Robyn-alt Sec, Chris G-DCM, Kim-Milton Farm, Mandy M-Alt. Fresh Start, Mark-Walk the Talk, Steve P-Snug  Harbor,  Jay- East Milton Group, Jeff-GSR Mon BB, Guest-Pearse representing meetings at Recovery Ctr Quincy , Steve M. IAA (visiting from another district), Les IAA-South Shore Group, Paul S-Quincy Young People, Sarah H- QMN GSR, Annie IAA

Anniversaries since last meeting:  

Robyn-11 years 3/17

Mark-27 years 3/25

GSR Reports 

What’s going on with your groups? 


Steve: Snug Harbor time change Sunday 8:00-9:00pm to 7:30-8:30 effective 6/1/22

Kim: Milton Farm Hybrid effective 05/01/22 (hybrid) 

Entertainment for 5/21 where the Milton Farm group meets (158 Milton Pkwy meeting at 6 dinner at 7 with DJ—FREE (flier will be posted on website)


Doug-St. C’s both in person and on Zoom Tuesdays, Wednesdays live only, and Friday both live and on Zoom

Pearse: Request support for AA meetings at New Way Peer Recovery Ctr., 85 Quincy Ave, Quincy In person 

Tues 7:00pm Living Sober, Wed 12:00pm It’s in the Book, Wed 6:00pm Men’s discussion  Wed 7:00 pm A New Way Fri 7:00 pm Big Book 

Monthly Reports - presented and Motions to accept and voted Secretary Report - Robyn: Reviewed and submitted 

DCM Report -Pre-Conference Assembly 04/10/22 :

●      Lots of items about  literature: item to review draft language of safety in Living Sober, Service Sponsorship (within pamphlet of Questions and Answers on Sponsorship), proposal for GSR preamble (not received well), equitable distribution of workload (some disproportionate workloads in committees–let’s make them more equitable), translation of Big Book into plain and simple language (existing side-by-side) (THERE ARE EXAMPLES.), reviewing 5th edition of Big Book (ex. Changing Dr’s Opinion to page 1 because “many” don't read the pages before page 1.)

●      October 31 deadline for people to submit stories to AA (for back of book) to represent current fellowship 

●      Brought up the availability of a monitor for Group Conscience Meetings for groups that want to  take advantage of. (Katherine-Service Seminar Chair)

●      Roadshow (get in touch with Chris)....

●      May 15 next Post-Conference Assembly in Shrewsbury (will be hybrid)

Treasurer – Dan: unavailable, but Doug reported.  Reviewed and accepted.

Registrar – In progress review updating position 

Committee Reports 

Archives - ( 3rd Tues 7:30pm- OPEN 

Accessibilities - (3rd Wed 6:30 pm) - OPEN 

Chair - OPEN 

Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) - (2nd Thursday 7 pm) - Kim (Milton Farm) Thank you, Kim, for your service!

Corrections - (4th Thu 7 pm) - OPEN 

DCM & Alt DCM - - Chris and OPEN 

Joint Treatment Facilities - (3rd Fri 7 pm) - OPEN (Annie G. will check it ou-Thanks Annie!)

Literature - (1 st Mon 7 pm) - OPEN 

Public Information (1st Thu 7 pm) - OPEN 

▪ Registrar - OPEN 

▪ Web Site - (1st Wed 7:00pm ) - OPEN 

▪ Grapevine- (4th Sun 1pm ) - Sarah


Community Outreach 

Milton - Jay | Quincy - Chris G. | Randolph - | Weymouth - Ashley 

OPEN - Braintree, Randolph—Kim accepted Braintree and Randolph-Thank you Kim for your service!

OLD Business: 

From Area 30 Bulletin Items in our District 

Rediscussed: District 8 committee is available for group roadshow commitments. GSRs please inform your  groups of our availability and desire to do outreach—is still on the table 


Motion passed: We will meet on zoom ONLY in April and moving forward.  Anyone needing any  access to our supply closet would arrange for entry with Chris G. and that can only happen without  issue during our pre approved security window..  

Motion passed: To put off hosting post-conference or later Area 30 assembly. Review for future  conferences. 

Les looked into availability of Weymouth School system for future. Abigail Adams going under renovations. Maybe Quincy High School a good alternate.


NEW Business:


1.Reaching out to GSRs and Groups 


●      Spirit of Rotation: Elections in October, train, and then on own in January. 2 year positions.

○      Somebody could be chair, train with Doug, and then have the two year position

○      This district has enough people for 3 DCMs

○      We have never had this little amount of committee chairs as we have now.

○      Representing the district can just be a trial. It can be any AAer.

○      Kim B. is going to trial chair with CPC and will pick up Braintree and Randolph–Thank you for your service, Kim!!!

○      Grassroots Campaign: If on a commitment, and you notice that a GSR from that group isn’t in attendance, please go to the Secretary, and ask for time at a business meeting

●      Pearse (Wed, 7pm) looking for chair people

2. Webb State Park: Chris will look into it and select date according to availability

3. Motion Passed to have Xmas and New Years Alkathon 2022/23


Tabled Discussion Items:


What’s on your mind:

Meeting ended at 8:30 pm.

Update Meeting Date: 3/21/2022

§   Chair: Ashley

§   Secretary: Paul T

§   13 Attendees

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm & opened with a Moment of Silence followed by the Declaration of Unity, Statement of Acceptance, and the Mission Statement were read. After Anniversary the GSR Role, Traditions and Concepts were read.

This meeting was online only.


Ashley-Chair, Les-Sec, Paul-Sec, Chris G-DCM, Dan-Trea, Matt-Rule 62, Kim-Milton Farm, Trish M-Women’s Acceptance, Mandy M-Fresh Start, Mark-Walk the Talk, Deb-South Shore, Steve P-Snug Harbor (new),  Guest-Wayne D representing meetings at Recovery Ctr Quincy

Anniversaries since last meeting:  


GSR Reports

What’s going on with your groups?

Mandy: Fresh Start Beginner’s meeting on Thursdays at 7:30pm gaining traction

Steve: Snug Harbor time change Sunday 8:00-9:00pm to 7:30-8:30 effective 06/01/22

Kim: Milton Farm Hybrid effective 05/01/22 (in person and zoom)


Wayne D: Request support for AA meetings at New Way Peer Recovery Ctr., 85 Quincy Ave, Quincy 

In person

Tues 7:00pm Living Sober, Wed 12:00pm It’s in the Book, Wed 6:00pm Men’s discussion 

Wed 7:00 pm A New Way Fri 7:00pm Big Book

Monthly Reports - presented and Motions to accept and voted

Secretary Report - Les N: Reviewed and submitted

DCM Report -Pre-Conference Assembly 04/10/22  Sun 9:00am-4:00pm Peabody High School click on address click area chair click on fold for flyer      

Brought up the availability of a monitor for Group Consciousness Meetings for groups that want to take advantage of. 

Treasurer – Dan: Report reviewed and submitted. 

Registrar – In progress review updating position

Community Outreach

Milton - Jay | Quincy - Chris G. | Randolph - | Weymouth - Ashley

OPEN - Braintree, Randolph


OLD Business:


From Area 30 Bulletin Items in our District


District 8 committee is available for group roadshow commitments. GSRs please inform your groups of our availability and desire to do outreach



New Business:

Motion passed: We will meet on zoom ONLY in April and moving forward.  Anyone needing any access to our supply closet would arrange for entry with Chris G. and that can only happen without issue during our pre approved security window.. 

Motion passed: To put off hosting post-conference or later Area 30 assembly. Review for future conferences.

Les will look into availability of Weymouth School system for future.

Ashly stepped down as Chair.   Doug as alternate will assume responsibilities.  We thank Ashly for her dedicated service. 


Tabled Discussion Items:



What’s on your mind:


Start think about planning upcoming summer/fall District 8 event 2022 Webb State Park


Meeting end at 8:30 pm.


From Area 30 Bulletin Items in our District   


Meeting ended @ and I am responsible was read.