Open District Positions

Looking to get involved at the District Level?

Check out our Available District 8 positions and join us at our next Business meeting, the 3rd Monday of the month in person or via Zoom!
Descriptions are available below.

To notify the Chair what position you would like to stand for, Email

Community Outreach

OPEN - Braintree, Randolph

DRAFT of Postions for District 8

Need to establish suggested LOS for each role

There are four elected positions at the District Level, known as the District Officers who are elected every two years, for a two-year term.

These are the:

· D.C.M. (4-5 years continuous sobriety requirement)

· A.D.C.M. (3 years continuous sobriety requirement)

· Secretary (3 years continuous sobriety requirement)

· Treasurer (3-4 years continuous sobriety requirement)

· Chair (3 years continuous sobriety requirement) Most places I cannot find the chair is an elected official, actually it states that the
DCM for a lot of areas do what our Chair does.

The Role of the Chair:

The chair sets the agenda in the format agreed upon by the district. Gathers information and works to keep time constraints during the meetings.

1. The chairperson is responsible to see that each meeting is conducted in an orderly fashion following the printed agenda. The chairperson may announce changes to the agenda and ask for a simple majority vote to approve. Significant changes to the agenda shall require a 2/3rds majority.

2. The chairperson at any time may call for a sense of the meeting to facilitate the proceedings.

3. The chairperson is responsible for scheduling time on each meeting agenda for new business to be brought before the committee.

The chair ensures that all persons have an equal opportunity to be heard, and that all speakers are listened to politely and respectfully. The chair acts primarily as a moderator, calling on speakers in order, and occasionally re-stating the motion or a pertinent piece of information. The chair should only state the apparent feeling of the assembly or parts of the assembly if it may help the discussion. The chair may inform the assembly of the effect that a particular vote may have but this should only be done after discussion has ended. The chair tries to discourage outbursts from members during or after other member’s remarks, and tries to discourage inflammatory remarks from the floor.

The chair should not speak in favor or against any motion, and should not express personal opinions regarding the discussion. In those rare instances where the chair “steps down as chair” to address (add to a discussion either pro or con) a main motion, the assembly should be clearly informed that the chair is speaking as a member and not as chair. The chair cannot make or second any motions. The chair may make or second nominations

District Committee Member (DCM)


The DCM’s job is primarily that of two-way communication. The DCM gets reports from the group level through GSR.s and through frequent personal contacts with the groups of the District. He/she helps the Conference Delegate cover an area that the Delegate could not otherwise cover (on a group-by-group basis).

The DCM's basic responsibilities can be summed up by:

1. Holding regular monthly meetings of all GSRs in the district.

2. Assisting the delegate in obtaining group information in time to meet the deadline for the appropriate AA directory.

3. Keeping GSRs informed about General Service Conference activities.

4. Getting GSRs acquainted with "The AA Service Manual," and

5. With Box 4-5-9 - making sure subscriptions are coming to GSRs.

6. Keeping groups informed about Conference-approved books and pamphlets.

7. Holding workshops on almost any service activity.

8. Helping make the Conference reports to groups, in situations where the delegate could not.

9. Getting GSRs acquainted with the guidelines from GSO, and

10.With "Twelve Concepts for World Service," the conference committee workbooks, and any other service material.

11.And, of course, making a regular practice of talking to groups (new and old) on the responsibilities of general service work. Helps GSR.s make interesting reports to groups, and encourages them to bring new A.A.

Organizes workshops and/or sharing sessions on service activities.

Regularly keeps in touch with the Alternate DCM and the delegate; sends district minutes to the delegate and alternate, and exchanges them with other districts.

Makes a regular practice of talking to groups (old and new) on the responsibilities of general service work.

Treasurer/Alternate Treasurer


Treasurer is responsible for receiving, dispersing and reporting on funds for the District. These revenues are generated by donations from the groups.


Maintain an accurate, balanced and up-to-date checking account.

Prepare a monthly treasurers report (including checking account balance, and itemization of groups donations and outgoing funds) for the District business meeting, making copies to be distributed to all voting members.

Provide receipts to groups for their donations.

Reimburse trusted servants as they present receipts for budgeted/approved expenses.

Check post office box weekly and distribute the mail appropriately to committees, officers, etc.

Organize and participate in a Budget Committee to prepare budget for upcoming year.

Secretary/Alternate Secretary


To maintain accurate meeting minutes of District business meetings, and to keep accurate and up-to-date listings of District officers (GSR’s, committee heads, DCM, etc.). See, also, page S43 of the Service Manual.


1. Taking minutes of the District 22 business meeting, and any other business (such as yearly District inventory) being conducted at those meetings. Special care should be taken to note motions made and whether they pass or fail.

Typing of minutes from the business meetings, and making copies for distribution.Minutes should include an attendance list from each business meeting.

Distributing completed copies of the District’s business meeting minutes within two weeks following the meeting to all District Officers and GSRs.

Maintain an up-to-date record of all District 22 service committee members (name, address, phone number) to include DCM, alternate DCM, secretary, treasurer, GSRs, and all Committee chairpersons.

Creating a compilation of prior year’s motions no less than two (2) weeks prior to the first district meeting of every district rotations for inclusion in District Service Handbook, and updating corresponding sections as necessary

Passing prior year’s minutes onto Archives as directed.

Some references from other districts:

Where did the spirit of rotation come from?

The 12th Tradition emphasizes the change that needs to happen for good leadership in AA.

To let “trusted servants” be just that trusted servants. It helps to keep the ego out and lets God in for direction. I’ve asked why we have elections every two years, and came to the question “who wants to be a forever IGR?”

I have seen IGR’s hold their positions for long periods of time, some as long as 10 years. They’ve explained that “no one else will stand for the position.”

However, in our Service Manual, it says that it’s better to leave the position unfilled that to hang on to it, or rush to fill it. That is why we have alternates, so they may step in when we are done with our terms. It is our jobs as sponsors and members of AA to teach the ones coming in after us. We need to explain to them the importance of service and why we all have the responsibility to pay it forward. If members are not responsible, then what happens to AA? Just as Bill W. said in the 12 & 12, positions would not be filled, doors to meetings would be closed and AA would fall apart from within. Then what happens to the next drunk needing help?